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Rhinovirus is a virus. Rhinovirus is one of the smallest types of virus, with a diameter of around 30 nanometers. “Rhino” in rhinovirus comes from Greek and means “nose.” These viruses are the most common infective virus that causes the common cold.

This virus can be transmitted through viruses that are in the air when a sick child sneezes, coughs, and liquid from their nose. It can also cause sore throat, runny nose, coughing, sneezing, headaches, body aches. Lower temperatures may be another factor to by people get the common cold, given that rhinovirus would favor 32˚C for replication over 37˚C. Rhinovirus infection typically appears after an incubation period of 12-72 hours. The infection usually lasts up to 2 weeks.

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Pathogen: About
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