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  • Pathogen - diseases caused by bacteria, virus, and other microorganisms

  • Susceptible - lacking the ability to resist something

  • Host - An organism that keeps another organism, so they live together, inside and thier thier body

  • Disease - a condition of an organism which intervene the normal bodily functions that can lead to pain, weakness, and other symptoms

  • Bacteria - single-celled microorganisms that are everywhere around us

  • Virus - tiny parasite (organism that gets nourishment and shelter from another organism) that can only reproduce if it is within a living being or anything that corrupts something else

  • Reservoir - Infectious agent normally lives and multiplies

  • Mode of transmission - how pathogens get from a reservoir to a susceptible host

  • White blood cells - colorless cell that moves within the blood and body fluids and is involved in fighting against foreign substances and diseases

  • Antibodies - a blood protein made in order to respond and go against a specific antigen(foreign substance) it connects chemically with substances that shouldn't be in your body (bacteria and viruses)

  • Portal of entry - where microorganisms enter the body to cause disease/infection (mucous, skin, coughing, sneezing)

  • Portal of exit - where microorganisms exit the body to enter another host to cause more disease and infections

Infections: About



  • Needs a host

  • Does not grow, feed, or excrete

  • Genetic material and protective coating

  • 100x smaller than bacteria

  • Simpler DNA

  • Multiplying fast


  • Self reproducing

  • Gros, feeds, and excrete

  • Contains cytoplasm, call wall, and nucleous

  • Larger than virus

  • No complex DNA

  • Multiply slower

  • Single cell makes a copy and splits into two identical cells

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Infections: About

The chain of infections 

The chain of infections is made up of six different parts: pathogen, reservoir, portal of exit, means of transmission, portal of entry, and the new host. Each part has a different role in the chain.The pathogen has to directly or indirctly find a way of transmission and a portal of entry. Some portals of entry are the digestive, circulatory, and respiratory system. Once the pathogen is in the portals of entry it will began to attack the cells in your body. Mean while your body will fight back the bacteria or virus. The portal of exit will allow the pathogen to spread to a new host through feces, mucous, salvia, urine, and other ways.

What does it mean if it is broken? It means that you are at risk of getting a disease. Some ways we can prevent it from being broken is getting the vaccines you need and using antibiotics. Other things we can do on our own is cleaning your hands, covering coughs and sneezes and staying home when sick. A way we can prevent bacteria and virus from spreading in our homes is cleaning and disinfecting were you live. 

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Infections: About
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